Founding Story
Pope Construction Company, Inc. is a family-owned business founded in 1972 by the late Mr. Donnie Pope. Each employee from upper-level management to skilled labor possesses the drive and dedication on which the company was founded. Pope Construction Company provides all types of commercial construction services for all types of projects. Top-level management is involved in each and every project giving the Client a more personal experience from the start of a project to completion.

Continuous Communication

Pope Construction Company believes that while communication in every relationship is key, this is especially true in the construction of any facility. Establishing a good relationship between the Owner, Architect, and Pope Construction Company is a crucial element. We must work together, as a team, with the project’s ultimate success as our #1 priority. Pope Construction Company will work closely with the Owner and Architect through each phase of the Project. We will schedule meetings, as requested, or needed, with all parties to ensure that the Owner is aware of the project status, the project schedule, and the project budget.

Values & Commitments
Do the Right Thing the First Time We believe in a commitment to doing what you say you’re going to do, to being a person of your word, and to getting the job done the right way, the first time. Make It Happen No matter what the challenge and for the good of the client, we will find a way to make “it” happen. Give it Your All We care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, and expect more than others think is possible.